difference between badminton and volleyball net

difference between badminton and volleyball net

Badminton and lawn tennis are both noise sports that are globally pop. The games tin can either be played individually or in sets of two. Those are however the only two similarities between the two sports. In that location are several differences can exist identified betwixt the 2 games from the equipment used, the field layout, scoring means and the match formats. The ii games besides have a set of different rules that differentiate them.

What is Tennis?

Tennis is part of the globally recognized noise sports, that is either played past two individual opponents or a set of two opponents. The game involves striking a rubber ball with rackets from one side of the net to the other. The primary aim is to hit the brawl hard such that the opponent is not able to hit information technology dorsum to make a good render.

Tennis can be traced back to the 12th century, when it was beginning played in Northern France. The game initially involved hitting the ball with one's hand. During this fourth dimension the sport was referred to equally jeu de paume, which means game of the palm in English. Around 1860, the game was evolved into what we recognize every bit lawn tennis today past Harry Precious stone and Augurio Perera. It is so that the utilise of rackets in the game was established. Ten years after the very first tennis social club was congenital in Leamington Spa.

What is Badminton?

Badminton is some other pop noise sport that involves the use of cord strung rackets and lightweight shuttlecocks. It is a dissonance sport played using cord strung rackets and shuttlecocks. The game can either be played by two parties or every bit fix of ii teams each team containing two individuals.

The game is played on a rectangle court separated into ii by a cyberspace. The players stay on either side of the net and take turns in hitting the shuttlecock over the cyberspace to the opponent'southward side. The shuttlecock tin can only be hitting once later it passes over the net, when it falls down the friction match ends. The game is all-time played indoors, as the shuttlecock is very light in weight and is oft swayed by the current of air.

Badminton can be traced dorsum to the 1850's when it was first played in British India. The military machine officials stationed there, were believed to be the inventors of the game. In 1875, the Bath Badminton Club standardized the guiding rules of the game into what we recognize today.

Differences Betwixt Lawn tennis and Badminton

Courtroom Layout and Size

Tennis courts measure 78 feet in length and 36 feet in width, on the other hand badminton courts mensurate 44 feet in length and 20 feet in width. Tennis courts are virtually double the size of an average badminton courtroom. The nets of both the games are as well unlike. The tennis court'southward net measures 36 in above the ground, while the badminton'southward net measures sixty in above the ground.


The equipment needed for each game varies. Tennis requires rackets that weigh between 250 to 360 grams. Badminton's rackets are normally less than a hundred grams. Tennis uses a hard felt brawl while badminton requires a shuttlecock. The shoes required for each of the games on the professional matches such every bit the Olympics also vary. Lawn tennis has a listing of canonical tennis shoes while badminton has a list of preferred footwear.


Footwork patterns between the two games are different; badminton patterns require more lunges and jumps. Lawn tennis requires more running, sharp starts and stops.

Matching Ways

Lawn tennis when played according to the rules, wins are based on the team or opponent with the best of 3 sets. Sets are won by the player or set of ii squad players that wins six games kickoff with a margin of 2 or more games. To qualify every bit a winner, one must too win 4 points and atomic number 82 in the game by ii or more than pointers. In badminton the start plater or start squad of players to win twenty-one points wins the game.

Scoring Means

Points in the scoring system of tennis are honey, fifteen' 30' 40' and game. Tied games tin can be resolved past continuing the rounds until a player wins two sequent points or one single circular is played to establish a winner. Badminton on the other paw uses a numerical scoring arrangement of beloved ane' two' 3'. If the game ties at 20 points, the game continues until a winner with a 2-point margin is established. If the game ties at 29 points, another round is played to institute a winner.

Tennis vs. Badminton: Comparison Chart

Summary of Tennis vs. Badminton

Both are dissonance games recognized across the world.

Both the games are either played by 2 individuals or four individuals in sets of ii.

Tennis uses upwardly larger courts and the nets are 36 inches away from the footing. Badminton courts are smaller nearly half the size of a tennis court and have nets that are further away from the ground.

In society to go the winner in a tennis match, you demand to win half-dozen games first with a margin of 2 or more games. Badminton requires the winner to be the beginning to have 21 points.

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difference between badminton and volleyball net

Posted by: biggerhavermed.blogspot.com

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